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Commercial Cleaning
December 2024
Creating better places for everyone, every day
Green hosting is verified by the Green Web Foundation, an independent nonprofit organisation. The carbon rating and "cleaner than" comparison is measured using the independent, peer-reviewed calculator at websitecarbon.com which takes into account the total size of data loaded by the page, in addition to the use of renewable energy. Data for the total page size and pie chart breakdown is measured using a popular website analysis tool called GTmetrix.
Ratings produced by the carbon calculator go from A+ (very efficient) down to F. Websites with emissions which exceed the global average receive an F rating; websites with a rating of E or upwards are better than average. In order for a website to be eligible for our Certified Green Website badge, we set an ambitious threshold - the website must achieve a carbon rating of at least B, or better. If it scores a C or lower, it is not eligible for our certification.
Since most websites usually get updated regularly, we aim to review and re-certify each website every 3 months.
The website is powered by 100% renewable energy, as verified by the independent Green Web Foundation
The website has been optimised to reduce data transfer size and therefore lower its carbon emissions
At least one tree is planted on the website’s behalf every month, helping to take action for the climate
The website helps support villagers in impoverished regions of the world with economic opportunities